Thursday, December 2, 2021

The Holiday Season officially kicked off with the Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony on the Marietta Square. The Marietta Arts Council partnered with this event for the first time in a new and unique experiential installation on Winters Street, just south of the Marietta Square. The community was invited to be a part of our installation by adding a light to our tree in commemoration and celebration of someone who has been a light in their life. The tree was made from lucite panels repurposed from the Bridges of Hope and Heroes that were on display last year. Visitors were also gifted an ornament made from the lucite to take home a little part of these installations.

Artist’s Statement:

A tree if seen from above — a landscape if viewed from the side — this installation reminds us that our perspective changes the way we see things. The points of light represent those who have touched our lives with kindness. The materials of the tree are both reflective and transparent to illustrate how one individual can shine in the darkness, and how together our collective light can reflect and refract across time and across land.

A special thank you to the artist behind "Bright Winter," Lindsey O'Shields, the volunteers of the Marietta Arts Council, Cobb EMC Foundation, MaxVision, SA White Oil Company, the City of Marietta, and this art loving community!



Winters Street

South Side of Marietta Square

Marietta, GA 30060